

1 Login or create new account.
2 Review your order.
3 Payment & FREE shipment

If you still have problems, please let us know, by sending an email to [email protected] . Thank you!


Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!



Process of Shipping Products From USA


Buy Online Using Our Shipping Address.

We will get your product to you.

Steps to Follow


1. Go Shopping

Go to SHOP NOW USA from our site or any USA eCommerce website of your choice

2. Purchase your product or Copy URL

You can purchase your product from the USA retailers' website (a.e. amazon, eBay etc.) and ship to our warehouse address in USA, we will deliver it to you in Trinidad. If you do not have an international payment method available yet but want to buy products from the US stores, you can just copy the URL of the product from the USA retailers' website (a.e. amazon, eBay etc.) and send to us for a Quotation of pricing for both the product and delivery cost. We will then purchase the product by ourselves and deliver it to your address in Trinidad.
Note: As we do not have any internal or external connection with the 3rd party retailers, we are not responsible for the product's quality, authenticity and condition. Customers are advised to choose products at their own risks and for any kind of after sales services, warranty, return, will be concern of the 3rd party sites themselves.

3. Send us your Purchase Invoice or Quote Request

If you have purchased your product from the USA retailer's website and shipped to our warehouse in USA, we need a purchase invoice/document to sort your particular order out and make ready for delivering to your address in Trinidad. Just send your invoice/purchase document from the menu SHIPPING QUOTE > Send Invoice. If you want to get the product purchased by ship2trinidad and delivered to your address in Trinidad, please go to the menu SHIPPING QUOTE> Request Quote and fill the form up with the Product URL that you copied from the USA Retailer Store's website.
Note: As we do not have any internal or external connection with the 3rd party retailers, we are not responsible for the product's quality, authenticity and condition. Customers are advised to choose products at their own risks and for any kind of after sales services, warranty, return, will be concern of the 3rd party sites themselves.

4. Complete the Order and you are done!

Once we receive your purchase document or product request with an URL from, our team will assess the documents or URL and get back to you with a quote that includes fees related to the delivery process. Once you get your quote, just go to pay/checkout from your MY ACCOUNT section in our website and complete the order. Once completed, you are done! wait for your parcel to arrive in Trinidad!

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